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Variables and Types

Like almost every dynamic language, JavaScript is a "duck-typed" language, and therefore every variable is defined using the var keyword, and can contain all types of variables.

We can define several types of variables to use in our code:

const myNumber = 3; // a number const myString = "Hello, World!" // a string const myBoolean = true; // a boolean

A few notes about variable types in JavaScript:

There are two more advanced types in JavaScript. An array, and an object. We will get to them in more advanced tutorials.

const myArray = []; // an array const myObject = {}; // an object

On top of that, there are two special types called undefined and null.

When a variable is used without first defining a value for it, it is equal to undefined. For example:

const newVariable; console.log(newVariable); //prints undefined

However, the null value is a different type of value, and is used when a variable should be marked as empty. undefined can be used for this purpose, but it should not be used.

const emptyVariable = null; console.log(emptyVariable);


You must define the following variables:

  1. A number called myNumber which contains the number 4;
  2. A string called myString which contains the sentence Variables are great.;
  3. A boolean called myBoolean which contains the value false;